One part of any dental treatment that a lot of people still struggle with is the aftercare they need to take part in once they get home. In the case of braces, if you don’t keep up a good cleaning regime with your new appliance there is still a lot that can go wrong.
So for patients with clear braces from Clapham based dental practices, here are a few helpful tips on how to keep your braces clean as you go through your realignment.
Wear it at all times
Although you may hear it already from your dentist, it really can’t be stressed enough that keeping your brace in at all times is the most important thing you can do to ensure a smooth alignment. Generally you should wear your brace for at least 22 hours a day, you can take it out for a short break but don’t leave it out too long.
Regularly clean it
Regularly cleaning your brace is also equally important as this helps to reduce staining, clear out food particles and plaque and kill off any harmful bacteria. For optimal results get a recommended brace cleaning solution, then lightly scrub this solution across the brace with a toothbrush. You should then rinse this off before leaving the appliance to dry in a hard bodied container, to keep it sterile and safe from accidental damage or contamination.
To make sure it stays sterile you could also use an anti-bacterial solution to rinse it, or cleaning crystals that are made for braces.
Rinse after every removal
Even if you’re popping it out for a meal or some other reason, you should always give your brace a good rinse. Doing this often helps prevent the build up of dried saliva, plaque and general gunk from wearing it for long periods of time. Not doing so can cause the brace to become a breeding ground for germs and other harmful bacteria which could easily spread to your teeth, producing infections in them or the surrounding gums.
Keep it safe
A lot of people have a bad habit of placing down a brace on any old surface after they take it out, unaware that doing so allows bacteria to easily transfer onto it and then into your mouth. A good way to avoid this is to keep it inside a hard bodied container that’s also regularly cleaned. This allows your brace to remain sterile while it’s outside your mouth, as well as keep it safe from any damage, pets or someone absentmindedly picking it up and contaminating it with the germs on their hands.
Bring an extra pair if you’re away from home
If you plan on travelling, or are away from your house for an extended period of time, you should bring along a second brace. This is to ensure that, should you lose one, you still have a replacement that you can easily obtain without having to cut things short to go to your dentist.
Just a few of these changes to your cleaning routine will ensure your brace is kept looking shiny and germ free whilst you go through your dental realignment.
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