Are you an adult or a teenager who desires straighter teeth, but without the inconvenience of wearing a fitted brace?
Here is a brief introductory guide to invisible aligners, to help you look at the benefits of this orthodontic tool.
What are invisible aligners?
Made from clear plastic that is custom-fitted to your teeth, invisible aligners such as Invisalign Harley Street have made their way to the top of the most popular orthodontic treatments list.
They are removable, meaning that those who wear them don’t have to change their diets and they also do not rely on using pressure in the same way that standard braces do, so they are more comfortable to wear in day-to-day life.
What they can correct
In years gone by, invisible aligners could not treat conditions that were more serious than a mere cosmetic misalignment.
However, as the technology has progressed and dental techniques have advanced, more orthodontic issues have become treatable using clear aligners. Meaning that even if you have a severe overbite or have an extreme case of dental spacing, you still may be able to have these things corrected using an invisible aligner.
All you need to do to determine this is to attend a consultation with an invisible aligner specialist.
Treatment length
On average, most patients wear an invisible aligner for between 3-6 months; this is dependent on the severity of the misalignment. If you have a more complex realignment issue, you may need to use an aligner for longer.
One way you can ensure that your treatment time stays as short as possible and on track, is to keep your aligners in your mouth for the prescribed amount of time per day. This is usually 22 hours, but your dental team may ask you to keep the aligners in for longer.
Side effects
Sadly, even though invisible aligners have come a long way in comparison with other orthodontic tools, when you wear them, you may still notice a few side effects.
The first is likely to be discomfort; when you change between aligners, there will be a period of a few days during which the pressure of the new aligner may feel a bit intense. This is normal but if it becomes too distracting, you should consult with your dentist.
You may also notice a decrease in the amount of saliva you have; braces and aligners are notorious for doing this and can cause secondary issues such as dry mouth.
For more advice on what you can expect while wearing an invisible aligner, talk to your dentist.
Success rates
The rate of success for invisible aligners is similar to that of fitted braces.
10 years after treatment, up to 98% of all patients who have used an invisible aligner report that their teeth are still realigned and that they have not suffered from reversion. This is an issue that may occur when your teeth move back to their former positions.
If you have concerns that your teeth are moving back to their previous locations after aligner usage, talk to your dentist.
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